Provide each child with 2 pieces of food, such as 2 slices of clementines. Go through the script with your group.


We are doing today’s exercise to practice using all of our senses while we eat.

Let’s begin by putting away anything that will distract us. This includes:

  • tablets
  • computers
  • cell phones
  • toys or games

Take a look at the space around you:

  • Do you hear or see anything that can pull your attention away from eating?
  • Does the space make you feel calm?

Pick up one of the pieces of food. If you’d like to, eat it. When you are done, think about:

  • Where does this food come from?
  • Does it grow from the soil? Is it produced in Canada or somewhere else?

Pick up the second piece of food. How does it feel?

  • Is it heavy or light?
  • Is it soft? Are there any hard parts?

Now, let’s focus on how it looks:

  • What colour is it?
  • Is it big or small?
  • What shape is it?

Put the piece of food close to your nose and inhale. How does it smell?

  • Does it smell fruity?
  • Is the smell strong or subtle?