What does it mean to season to taste?

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2 minutes

You’ve probably come across the phrase “season to taste” when reading recipes. What does this phrase mean? It’s often about how much salt and pepper you add to a recipe. It can also be about herbs and spices. Before seasoning, follow these steps to make sure you add the right amounts. 

On this page

Steps to season to taste


Try tasting a dish before adding more seasoning to it.

The dish might be good as it is, but the only way to know is to taste it.



If a dish needs more seasoning:

  • add a pinch at a time
  • taste after each addition 

It’s easier to add an ingredient than to remove it.


Add seasoning during cooking process for recipes that need to simmer.

This helps release the flavours.



Let some dishes rest to absorb the seasoning flavours before adding more, such as:

  • bean salads
  • roasted meats
  • slow-cooked dishes

 Tip: When seasoning raw poultry or meat, season using small amounts. Only taste once it has been cooked at a safe temperature and it is ready to eat.

Seasoning with little to no added salt 

Salt is often used to enhance the taste of food, but it’s important not to add too much. Higher sodium intake can lead to higher blood pressure, which may lead to heart disease. 

Other ingredients in the recipe might also contain a lot of sodium, such as some store-bought seasonings and sauces. Remember, a small amount of salt goes a long way. Try to:

  • taste a dish before adding more salt
  • add flavour by including a mixture of herbs and spices 
  • wait to add salt once you serve yourself rather than to the whole dish
  • other people may have different taste preferences

Further reading